Machine type : MEM – Cobra MEGA 6 REVERSE
Sawing unit for cants and boards
L max: 6m
L mini: 2m
Max. Sawing height : 250mm
Characteristic of the blades :
Diameter : 780 mm
Number of teeth (Z) : 30 teeth
Denture : flat 25 °
Bore : 160mm
Body thickness : 3.8mm
Kerf : 5.4mm
Sawing line including :
Item 10 : a five arms feeding transfer chain
Item 20 : Infeed table, it allows to center, or to orientate the products according to the shape. Equipped with 4 cants turner, a loading transfer chain, an hydraulic fence for product 4 faces.
Item 30 : Cant edger – MEM – Cobra Mega 6 REVERSE
Sawing machine, equipped with 6 movable blades diam. 780mm and with fixed blades on the sleeves, driven by 2×150 Kw motors. Saw height 250 mm.
The PLC system of the machine was replaced in 2017 by a last generation with touch screen. The alignment and positioning of the wood is done, by using laser beams representing the positioning of the blades. This machine works with the REVERSE mode, thus making it possible to easily square the wide or poorly conformed products.
The hydraulic power pack of 37Kw ensures the displacement of all the servo axes.
Item 40 : Separator
Allows separating the slabs from the edge boards or main products who are on a motorized roller conveyor.
Integral protection tunnel
Item 50 : Conveyor belt
Allows evacuating the waste or other products according to configuration.